More About Counseling

Therapy sessionCounseling is a special relationship; a collaboration between a counselor and a client. On the front end, you’re looking for goodness of fit. Kenosis has a webpage of bios that allow you to get to know our counselors before you sign up for counseling. When you start the intake process here online, you’ll have the opportunity to identify exactly what issues you would like to target in counseling. When our Care Coordinator receives your information, it helps her match you with just the right counselor for your needs.

Starting with your counselor is like forming a partnership. You’ll work together to create goals for counseling and set a timeline for completion. Your counselor will empower and introduce you to new skills to use as you work towards a better life. Throughout the counseling process, you’ll work as a team, evaluating progress, adding, or changing goals as appropriate, and finally, ending the counseling process once your happy with what you’ve accomplished.

If you have other questions, you can text us directly at 317-559-7325. With your permission, we’d like to stay in touch with you… send you updates about our services and focused self-help articles on the topics you want. We promise never to spam you or share your email with any other organization. Just share what topic you’re interested in and your email address.

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