Bill Fanelli
BS, MPH, Career Coach
Bill Fanelli came on board at Kenosis to serve clients who are discerning a change in their careers but need help to move forward.
This is a process involving 5 hours of meetings across 4 sessions. The fee, paid up front, is $700 and includes all materials:
- In the first meeting, Bill listens to your story and life challenges, which he uses to fit the career coaching process to your unique situation. You will receive a Career Journal and a link to take the Strong Interest Inventory survey.
- In the second meeting you’ll review your Strong survey results and Bill will show you how to do job exploration via the O*NET OnLine job database.
- In the third meeting, Bill and you will discuss the output of you Career Journal reflection and O*NET job exploration.
- In the final meeting, you’ll choose your career path, and define the next steps.
After 33 years at Eli Lilly and Company, Bill created Fanelli Pathways LLC. Bill’s mission is to serve people as they find their way down their life pathways whether they want to clarify or change their career direction, or become a better leader. Bill’s work career spans public health, Pharma manufacturing management, and over the last 24 years, leadership and organizational development and career coaching. He has deep experience in designing and delivering leader education, facilitating the effectiveness of management teams, and coaching leaders.
He is certified in many developmental assessments, including the Strong Interest Inventory, Matrix Insights Leadership Dashboard, Lominger Voices 360-degree assessment, Hogan Development Assessments, and Belbin Team Roles. Having taken his own Strong Interest Inventory for career development, his #1 job interest, out of 130 job titles, was career counseling!
He earned B.S. and M.P.H. degrees from the University of Michigan, where he a proud and thankful recipient of the Evans Scholarship, a nationwide scholarship program for golf caddies.
He lives in Indianapolis with his wife Theresa, who is a retired elementary school teacher. Theresa and Bill have four children, all graduates of Roncalli High School. They are all grown up, pursuing careers as a school principal, video documentary producer, behavioral health coach, and electrical engineer.