10 Unexpected Ways to Do Mental Health Self-Care

Self-care is a very trendy topic right now, and unlike most trending ideas, it’s actually pretty important! It’s something that can help us in both the short- and long-term, and has the potential to change our lives. 

But with all the buzz comes a lot of…well, buzz, right? 

It’s hard to tell what’s true and what’s not – what’s backed by facts and science and can legitimately help you. So we’re digging into the real details: what is self-care, why it’s important for your mental health, and some ideas for taking care of your mental health you probably aren’t seeing in most other places. 

how to do self care

What Do We Mean by “Self-Care”? 

There are many opinions about what self-care means, but we want to keep it simple.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), mental health includes “emotional, psychological, and social well-being.” So when we think about what that encompasses, it includes how we feel, make choices, think, and relate to others. Oh, and how we act, of course! 

Keeping this in mind, this is what we mean when we talk about self-care: “taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve both your physical health and mental health” (NIMH). 

Essentially, when you do self-care, you’re aware of your body, mind, and emotions and taking purposeful actions to maintain them. You’re listening to what you need and doing it.

best self care tips

Why is Mental Health Self-Care Important? 

There are a number of reasons why it’s important to take care of yourself as a whole. Your mental health is especially important, but often gets overlooked. 

You get some pretty great benefits from self-care: 

  • Increased self-esteem
  • Increased awareness of your mental health
  • Better coping skills for difficult situations
  • Better ability to declutter stressful things from your life (Better Health)

These are, undoubtedly, great benefits – but there are even more. Scientific studies in the last 5 years have shown that when you create a self-care routine, it can: 

  • Improve your immune system
  • Make you more productive
  • Make you more resilient
  • Allow you to handle stress more effectively
  • Allow you to make better health decisions
  • Help you live longer

These are some pretty big benefits!

Even more than the measurable perks: You’ll feel better, and you’ll feel more like you.

unique self care ideas

10 Unexpected Ways to Do Mental Health Self-Care

Ultimately, self-care is as unique as you are because it’s based on you. 

But, to get you started thinking about what self-care to try for your mental health, we’ve collected some unconventional ideas you might not think about (but will probably enjoy): 

  1. Learn about something that interests you: Keep your mind active and engaged with something you’re passionate about. You’ll be surprised how it keeps your mind sharp and even improves your memory. 
  2. Actively practice gratitude: Try writing down something you’re grateful for each day. You can buy a journal to keep these thoughts together or use an app on your phone, or even just write it down on a loose piece of paper – whatever gets you thinking about the good in your life.
  3. Schedule time to breathe: Taking 15 minutes of quiet time by yourself can help you reset and respond better to stressors and better enjoy the positive things going on around you. 
  4. Take a picture of what makes you happy: It will give you time to reflect why this particular thing gives you joy, and you can share it with others to relive the happiness of the moment.
  5. Step away from social media for a day (or longer): Resist the urge to connect with your network. You’ll be amazed by how calm & quiet your mind can get when you’re the only one there for a change. 
  6. Try purchasing a plant to care for: It will help you be in the moment when you care for it each day, and break out of repetitive thoughts for a while as you think about the plant rather than your troubles.
  7. Use the Calming Stream Radio Pandora radio station: It will calm your mind, and your body will follow suit. And it’s free to access!
  8. Clean something in your home: Focus on one task to start with, and if you feel like doing more when you’re done, go for it! Studies show a cleaner environment around you helps lessen anxiety.
  9. Take a nap: Find a place where you relax comfortably and put on some soft music to soothe your mind. A short nap can be a powerful tool for rejuvenating your mind & energy.
  10. Say “no” to more caffeine – Caffeine has a similar effect on the body and mind as anxiety (want to know more?), so manage the amount you drink in a day, or even try a day without it! 

mental health self care

Need More Ideas?

Want some guidance about self-care? Or is it part of your self-care plan to get help with your mental health? We’d love to connect you with a therapist who fits your needs. 

Call or text (317) 559-7315 today – your mental health is our top priority, and we’re happy to help make it yours, too!
