The Significance of Community Involvement on Mental Health

Did you know volunteering in your community can reduce stress, increase happiness, help with developing confidence, and lessen feelings of depression and anxiety? Not only do you receive mental and physical benefits, but you’re making a positive impact on your community.

Kenosis values community involvement as a mental health organization. We love and appreciate our interns who help us bring counseling services to underserved demographics. We also strive to develop partnerships with local organizations with the same goal as us: to provide people with the help they need.

We asked a few of our partners to share their thoughts and experiences on the benefits of community involvement. We’d also like to take this opportunity to recognize our wonderful community partners for the work they’re doing to improve the lives of our neighbors.

Benefits of Community Involvement for Individuals

Volunteering has many physical and mental benefits. For one, it provides people with a sense of purpose. Especially for those who feel stuck in their daily routines, volunteering allows them to give their time and talents towards something meaningful. No matter your God-given gifts, there are ways to use them to benefit the community. 

  • Animal lovers can volunteer at adoption centers to help families find the perfect furry friend.
  • Crafty people can make blankets, hats, and mittens for hospitals to give to newborn babies or cancer patients.
  • Writers can write to deployed soldiers or local veterans.
  • Athletes can coach a kid’s sports team.

There are so many ways to get involved as an individual! You can search for local volunteer opportunities here.

Another benefit of volunteering in the community is you become more compassionate towards people. Terresa Branham at St. Thomas Clinic, partner of Kenosis, explains, “When one is immersed in the community, they are more empathetic to the people they serve.” Meeting people outside your bubble of family and close friends immerses you in other cultures, perspectives, and experiences. You walk away with a better understanding of people in your community, which can give you more empathy in your career, especially mental health and medical fields. Jarrah Hamer, a Kenosis intern, adds, “[Community involvement] is how we move society forward.” 

mental health community involvement

Kenosis’ Community Partnerships

We also love seeing organizations’ involvement in the community! The impact can be substantial. One way Kenosis is involved in the community is through our internship program. We partner with local universities to give students experience in the counseling field before seeking full-time positions. We even hire a number of our interns after their program! They are wonderful assets to Kenosis and assist us in extending services to parts of our community in great need.

Michele Teague, Kenosis masters level intern at Indiana University School of Social Work student describes her experience: “The experience, innovative therapeutic skills, knowledge base, and positive attitude of the Kenosis team has created an invaluable internship opportunity for me. The partnership opportunities Kenosis provides through my practicum placements have allowed me to work as a mental health counselor at the well-respected St. Thomas Health Clinic in Whiteland. I also provide counseling at the Kenosis Greenwood office, offering affordable therapy at a reduced price.” We enjoy providing interns with valuable experience before graduation while helping people in the community who might not be able to afford counseling services otherwise.

Another place Kenosis supports the community is in local schools. Interns can provide counseling services to middle and high school students. Jarrah is earning work experience at St. Christopher School by counseling kids who need a little extra coaching and support. The principal, Karen King, comments, “We enjoy our partnership with Kenosis. I appreciate that we can help someone who is earning experience hours while at the same time providing valuable services for our students.”

CEO Support of Community Involvement

CEO Support of Community Involvement

Organizations can make a huge impact in their community, but it requires the support of leadership. A CEO who prioritizes the importance of community involvement can cultivate a collective desire to enrich the community with the team’s unique talents.

We are grateful to Christine Turo-Shields, owner of Kenosis, for the emphasis and value she places on community involvement. She sits on the state board of the Indiana chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). At the AFSP National Leadership Chapter conference in January, the chapter was awarded the best overall chapter for 2022.  This was a huge honor to be recognized as the best among 74 chapters across the United States! 

Christine also speaks at schools, retreats, conferences, and events around Indiana to promote the importance of caring for one’s mental health. She is an inspiration to every staff member at Kenosis! 

Sharing our expertise with the community is an honor and a blessing. By getting involved in the community, Kenosis can bring mental health resources to more people. We encourage individuals and organizations to get involved in their community however they can. Not only is it beneficial for the community, but it brings people together to work towards a common goal! 

We’d like to thank Michele, Karen, Terresa, and Jarrah for their contributions to this article. Thank you, too, to all our community partners and interns. We wouldn’t be able to share as many mental health resources and services without you!
