Do you struggle with anxiety? Are you interested in learning about the latest anxiety treatment options?

Those with anxiety disorders know that symptoms extend far beyond the occasional upset stomach. Constant worry, restlessness, and difficulty concentrating are a few of the problems those with anxiety endure. Anxiety can also lead to irritability, muscle tension, and insomnia.

Fortunately, treatment for anxiety has progressed over the years. While anxiety medication is sometimes an option, other holistic approaches can also help bring lasting relief to those who suffer from the weight of anxiety.

Here’s what you need to know about them.

1. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

If you suffer from anxiety, a qualified counselor can help you sort through your obsessive thoughts or paralyzing phobias. Therapy can help you explore the underlying sources of your thoughts and fears. It can also help you develop positive coping mechanisms.

Cognitive therapy for anxiety takes a look at how negative thought patterns can contribute to a poor emotional state. Behavioral therapy targets your reactions in certain situations.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy begins by helping you to identify your negative thoughts. Next, you’ll learn to challenge them and replace them with more realistic thought patterns. 

2. Exposure Therapy

Exposure therapy involves bringing you into situations that make you anxious. Repeated exposure to situations that frighten you can lead to an increased sense of control.

Getting exposed to traumatizing situations a little at a time can allow those who struggle with anxiety. You will gradually build confidence and develop skills for coping with panic.

You may also learn relaxation techniques and deep breathing that you can use when you’re in a situation that scares you.

Biofeedback is also occasionally used for anxiety patients. This uses sensors that alert you when your heart rate goes up or your muscles begin to tense. It can teach you to control your body’s response in certain situations through employing relaxation techniques.

3. Anxiety Medications

Anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs can be used for anxiety sufferers. They can bring immediate relief and can be quite effective when taking during a panic attack or other highly overwhelming time.

Anti-anxiety medications can also, however, cause unwanted side effects. These include dizziness, memory problems, and difficulty concentrating. You may also experience symptoms like insomnia and depression when you stop taking them.

If you’re using medication to control anxiety, it may be best to limit your use to situations when you need immediate relief. You’ll need to talk to your doctor about the best dosage and frequency for you.

4. Exercise

Exercise is a natural way to control the anxiety that many brings many sufferers relief. Beyond immediate benefits such as weight control, exercise can help reduce your risk of diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, which can contribute to anxiety and depression.

When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which trigger positive feelings. It can also help stimulate the functioning of your brain.

For those suffering from anxiety, exercises that get your heart rate up are the most beneficial. These may include swimming, walking, dancing, or running. 

Yoga is also a wonderful exercise option because it marries physical movement with meditation and deep breathing, helping you to alleviate worry.

If you love to socialize, get a group of friends on your side who can motivate you to get out and moving every day. If you’re more of an individual exerciser, find a great routine online or a local gym that will inspire you to get up and moving. 

While getting yourself to start exercising can be a bit of a challenge, the benefits you’ll reap once you start doing great things for your body can make anxiety much easier to manage.

5. Changes in Diet

Another natural way to manage anxiety is to change your diet. You may wish to lessen your caffeine intake, as excessive caffeine can sometimes worsen feelings of anxiety. You should also limit your consumption of alcohol.

A healthy diet will improve your overall health and help lessen feelings of anxiety. You’ll want to avoid processed foods such as candy and pastries, which can lead to changes in your blood sugar that could lead to increased anxiety and depression. 

Instead, opt for lean protein and fruit and veggie options. Salmon, for example, contains omega-3 fatty acids that can regulate dopamine and serotonin. This can have calming and relaxing properties. 

Yogurt can also help since it can inhibit free radicals and neurotoxins. These have been known to damage the nerve tissue in your brain and lead to anxiety.

Green tea and chamomile have also been known to reduce anxiety. A hot cup of tea at night can go a long way toward relieving your symptoms. 

Foods rich in Vitamin C have antioxidant properties that can reduce inflammation. These could prevent cell damage that leads to anxiety. If you like strawberries, peppers, or citrus fruit, try to find a way to infuse a little natural Vitamin C into your diet each day to keep anxiety under control.

Foods rich in tryptophan can also promote relaxation and anxiety relief. Try slicing up some turkey with your lunch every day or having some bananas or oats for breakfast. 

Treatment For Anxiety

Many anxiety sufferers make go through their lives without much relief from their symptoms. Treatment for anxiety, however, may be easier to find than you think. With the right diagnosis and lifestyle adjustments, you could be on your way to a calmer life in no time. 

Don’t stop feeling better now. To talk to qualified professionals ready to help you with anxiety, contact us today.
